Τετάρτη 14 Μαΐου 2014
Η κατακραυγή ανάγκασε την κυβέρνηση να προχωρήσει σε πέντε διορθώσειςστο θέμα του αιγιαλού: Χωρίς ομπρέλες και ξαπλώστρες το 50% των παραλιών
What Ukraine’s economy looks like without its Russian-speaking regions
Separatists in Luhansk want the region, and its manufacturing base, out of Kyiv's control. Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko
Russian president Vladimir Putin revived the Czarist era term for a broad swath of southeastern Ukraine, Novorossiya, in a high-profile television appearance last month. “God knows” why Russia gave up the territory in 1920, he sighed.
Taiwan and Singapore are paying the price for China’s provocative maritime move
Before things got violent. Reuters/Kham
19,000 workers in Vietnam rioted yesterday, burning down and damaging
as many as 15 factories in an outburst of rage over China’s decision to deploy an oil rig near a disputed chain of islands.
Regardless of the trigger, the aggression was ultimately misplaced:
Most of the torched facilities were owned by companies based not in
China but in Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea.
Σκληρή απάντηση της Κίνας στον Τζον Κέρι
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