There's no question about it: property is back.
After the financial crisis, there was tons of talk about how people might be off property for good for awhile, and how nobody, for a long time, was going to be property for an investment.
That mentality didn't last long.
From California to London to East Asia, property prices and new developments are red hot.
Via Reuters, here's what the boom really looks like.
REUTERS/Mike Blake
Real estate agents gather around a board showing the units sold at the development (in red stickers) as prospective buyers look on at the launch of a suburban private condominium project in Singapore
REUTERS/Yuya Shino
A staff member of Skyz Tower and Garden touches a rosette, which indicates sold apartments, as she gives an explanation about the condominium during a photo opportunity at its showroom in Tokyo
Prospective buyers look at a model of an upcoming suburban private condominium development during its launch in Singapore
REUTERS/Mike Blake
Single family homes for sale are seen in San Marcos
REUTERS/Tyrone Siu
A general view of a construction site for luxury residential apartments at the reclaimed West Kowloon in Hong Kong
REUTERS/Mike Blake
A view of single family housing lots before construction begins at a new neighborhood in San Marcos, California
A customer looks at the model of Skyz Tower and Garden as its sales staff explain about the condominium at its showroom in Tokyo
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